Symptoms And Cures Of Sinus Infection Disease
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Sinus infection disease is caused by the blockage of the sinus cavities. This blockage is caused by the inflammation of the lining of these cavities. The lining of the sinus cavity can get inflamed due to several reasons. Those reasons could be a pre-existing cold or viral infection, bacteria or allergy. The sinus cavities are tiny air pockets in the skull. They basically reduce the weight of the skull, produce mucous which lines the sinus cavity and provide resonance to the voice.
Some of the symptoms of sinus infection disease are slow fever, nasal discharge which may contain a little blood, headaches, cheek pain, pain in the whole face, facial swelling, jaw pain and toothache. Jaw pain and toothache increases while bending. Sinus may also cause temporary blindness, double or blurred vision. Acute cases of sinus may affect the brain too.
Most cases of sinus infection disease respond to a course of antibiotics. Anti-allergic medicines and anti inflammatory drugs also help at times. Some doctors may prescribe nasal sprays which are oral decongestants. These sprays help in dislodging the infected mucous from the nasal cavities.
Another method of curing sinusitis is nasal irrigation. Nasal irrigation is normally used in case of children who cannot take very heavy medication. This is a very safe side effect free method of treating sinus infection disease. In this method, saline water is used to wash out the infected mucous from the nasal cavities. Surgery may also be considered in some extreme cases which do not respond to any medical treatment. Apart from medication, inhaling steam and taking a hot compress over the affected parts of the face also gives some relief to people suffering from sinusitis.
Homeopathy is another way of curing sinusitis. It is a very safe, symptom based cure to sinusitis. In this method of treatment, the medicine may vary from person to person depending upon the symptoms each person complains of. The condition of the patient is not as important as reporting each and every symptom to the doctor is.
Millions of people across the world suffer from sinus infection disease. This disease is not a rarity nor is it extremely complex to treat. It is important to take proper medication as soon as the first sign of sinusitis is observed.
We are providing sinus treatment to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus pain then use these sinusitis treatments.
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