Sinus Treatment

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Natural Relief For Sinus Infections

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If you talk of sinus cures, then I would tell you a thing which I have experienced my self personally. My mother had been a chronic patient of sinus, we tried a lot of things but thanks to one of our relatives who happens to be a naturopath doctor. He suggested us natural relief for sinus infections. And today my mother is completely free from such infections. She can breathe well, no headaches, no nasal congestion and any other symptoms of the infections.

So what methods are applied in natural relief for sinus infections? They are simple things which we practice in homes and they are not at all expensive. You don't have to spend a single penny on them. Here are few natural relief for sinus infections-

Grapefruit seed extract: You can use grapefruit seed extracts as drops into your nose to get rid of a sinus infection naturally. The drops are preferable to ingestion because the taste of the seed extract can be very much terrible. Never ever take the medication empty stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is a good supplement for beverage drink for sinus patients. This would help in thinning the mucus that congest the nasal passage. Once you are free from congestion you will realize that your other problems like difficulty in breathing, headache disappears slowly. This is an effective treatment to get rid of a sinus infection naturally.

Hot Water Treatment: Expose your face to lukewarm water and allow the treatment for five minutes everyday. The warmth not only relieves the pain and but also helps in killing the germs causing infections.

If you want to know more on natural relief for sinus infections here are some other simple home remedies which you can do. Sniffing an onion produces the same kind of stimulation because of irritation as is produced by menthol etc. and makes the nose to run. To clear a stuffed nose all that one needs to do is to make it run. So it is also advisable to take a lot of spicy stuff. A hot or spicy food makes our body to produce some reflex action like making the nose to run. Taking any hot liquid like soup is also one of the most common home remedies for sinus problems. The steam from the hot liquid helps in unclogging the nasal passages. The liquid dilutes the mucus in the nose and makes breathing a lot easier.

Thus these were some methods of natural relief for sinus infections which every sinus patient can try.

Have you given your life completely to sinus infection; thinking there is no way out? Get your Sinus Treatments or visit Sinus Treatment Blog.

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