What is Maxillary Sinus? - More on Maxillary Sinus
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You must be wondering what is maxillary sinus? The answer to your query is, it is a cavity in the head. The cranium consists of four main sinus cavities. They are frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary. The maxillary sinus is other wise known as Antrum of Highmore; it is the largest paranasal sinuses and is pyramidal in shape. It is established in the body of the maxilla, the sinus has three recesses, and they are alveolar recess, zygomatic recess and infraorbital recess. The middle wall comprises of cartilage. Sinuses sizes vary in different skull and even on the two sides of the same skull.
If the maxillary cavity gets inflamed it is called maxillary sinus disease. You could see them located below the eye on the either side of the nose. The mucous inflammation is a result of infection or allergy. Now we shall see what is maxillary sinus infection symptom is and cure.
What is maxillary sinus symptom?
The maxillary sinus infection causes severe pain and tenderness in the cheeks. The facial muscle tends to swell. Dental pain especially in the upper teeth is seen. There is pain when you bend you head forward.
It is advised that you take care of your oral heath. You should brush your teeth twice once in the morning and once before going to bed. Usage of mouth rinses is very helpful. Menthol based mouth freshener help or a natural way of mint leave can keep you away from bad odors. Jaw pain should not be confused with regular dental pain. You could distinguish a regular tooth ache with maxillary sinus symptoms, as they are normally associates with fever, nasal discharge, headache and tiredness.
What is maxillary sinus infection cure?
Anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants are used to cure sinus. Saline water syringes are used to remove the mucous. A warm pack on affected parts of the face could also give remedial effects.
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