Possible Ways Of How To Cure Sinus Congestion
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Sinus congestion is a very common problem. It is often confused with congestion caused due to a common cold. The difference between the two is that sinus congestion is always accompanied by symptoms like headaches, body aches, facial pain and maybe slow fever. Sinus could be caused by a common cold. The viral infection in case of a cold inflames the mucous membrane of the sinus cavities making it fill up with mucous. This causes bacteria to breathe in the cavities. The question, how to cure sinus congestion can be answered in several ways.
One of the most popular ways of how to cure sinus congestion is usage of decongestants and anti inflammatory drugs. They are very easily available in the market. Several decongestants are over the counter medicines while others can be bought on prescription from a good doctor.
Another way of how to cure sinus congestion is nasal irrigation. This method is increasingly becoming popular especially for children. A mixture of saline water and a syringe are used to clean the infected mucous from the nasal cavity. This method gives instant relief to the patient.
Inhaling steam or taking hot compress on the affected sinuses is another way of solving the problem of how to cure sinus congestion. Though this method is not scientifically proven, it is time tested. This method is an age old remedy to clearing congestion whether it is induced by cold or infected sinuses.
At times, several people also consider homeopathy a method of removing sinus congestion. This is a symptom based treatment in which the doctor takes into account the symptoms of the patient while prescribing the medicine.
Surgery is the last option a medical practitioner considers in case of congestion. In this case, the infected mucous from the sinus cavities is removed surgically. This step should be taken when all others don't work.
If sinus congestion moves to the lungs, it can create a life threatening situation. It is the duty of a doctor to take a decision regarding how to cure sinus congestion as early as possible. Medication, if taken early can help reduce unnecessary complications and save the patient from a lot of pain, discomfort and several sleepless nights.
We are providing sinus treatment to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus pain then use these sinusitis treatments.
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