What is Paranasal Sinus Disease? - An Awareness Program on What is Paranasal Sinus Disease
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To learn more on what is paranasal sinus disease we should know what is paranasal sinus? These sinuses are air cavities located within the facial bone. They have mucous membrane lining similar to those in parts of airways. They are known as paranasal sinus cavity, since they are directly connected to the nasal passage. The weight of the skull is reduced due to these cavities. They produce mucous and vibrate our voice. They comprise of the - Ethmoid Sinus, Frontal Sinus, Maxillary sinus and Sphenoid sinus. The ethmoid sinus lies between the nose and the eyes. The Sphenoid lies at the base of the skill above the pituitary gland. The maxillary is the largest and is positioned below the eye, in the cheek bone.
Let us now see what is this disease. It is basically the inflammation of the lining of the sinus cavities. They are caused due to allergens like dust, mites, pollen etc or it may be a viral or a bacterial infection. If the mucous stop draining it results in paranasal sinus disease. Sinus filled with air is said to be in a healthy condition. Mucous filled sinus is infected.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are fever, headache, swelling, dental pain, jaw pain and facial pain. The discharge is at times accompanied by pus or blood and it could be greenish yellow in color.
After learning about what are paranasal sinus disease symptoms we should also see how to get rid of it. Decongestants and humidifiers help in a great deal to reduce nasal block. Saline water irrigator also is seen to be in use. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are immediate relief. The best cure would be to identify the allergen and eradicate it. A consultation with a medical practitioner is advisable because in extreme cases it may lead to surgery.
It should also be borne in mind what is paranasal sinus disease and how to eliminate it. The best way would be by means of understanding the disease better. Allergens like dust could be removed by regular cleaning of your rooms. See to that you bedspreads and the place you sleep is free from dust. This could reduce half your problem. Have a healthy and nutrient rich food with adequate rest.
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