What is Sinus Congestion? - Getting Familiar With Sinus Congestion
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Before learning what sinus congestion let is us know what is Sinus. It is a cavity in the skull that filled with air. It helps in adjusting the regulation of air. It is also called nasal congestion as one of the four pairs of sinus pathways in the skull may be blocked. It results in inflammation and swelling of the nasal tissues. They are seen on the either sides of our nose helps to control air pressure around the nasal area. There are seven sinus cavities.
They are two types of sinus congestions they could be acute or chronic cases. Acute sinus is called common cold. Chronic sinus congestion may be caused due to allergens like tobacco, food allergens, dust, mites, pollen etc. It may lead to impaired flow of fluids in the sinus which may be caused due to bacterial infection.
Where does the pain occur?
Since we know what sinus congestion is, let's see where the pain occurs. You can feel throbbing pain in the areas behind your eyes, on the cheekbone, on the eyebrow and a nasal block is inevitable. The cavities are obstructed thereby barring the normal sinus secretion. The pain is more on one side of the nose. One could acquire cold and hay fever due to this infection.
What is sinus congestion and who gets them
Sinus congestion occurs extensively in children and the problem is detected only after they are five years old. An unbearable pressure develops in and around the nasal cavity.
Suggestive methods on what is sinus congestion reveal the following
- The food you take should be low on fiber. Avoid meat, white bread to get relief. Drop these from your diet and you already feel a lot more better.
- Artificial colors are added chemicals which mat cause stuffiness in few people. It should be borne in mind that chemicals do not have any nutritive value.
- Natural remedies can be sought from rubbing eucalyptus oil on the areas of stuffiness.
- Pressure points can also be massaged using your fingers.
We are providing natural treatment for sinus to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus infection then use these sinus treatment.
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