Sinus Natural Remedies - How to Cure Sinus the Natural Way
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Sinus infection plagues million of people in the world. A person's whole life style changes when he is suffering from sinusitis. He not only suffers physical change but also psychological change. Conditions that accompany sinus are nasal congestion, extended thick yellow nasal discharge or thin and clear discharge in mild cases, long-lasting front headache, and fever with a sore throat in some cases. There is a wide array of treatments and medications for sinusitis like allopathic medication, herbal, ayurvedic and Chinese as well. Many go in for natural remedies as it seem to more effective and the results are long lasting. Use of harsher drugs like antibiotics or steroidal prescriptions for a longer period can upset the body system.
Many of the natural remedies include using vaporizers, herbal cures, colloidal silver solutions, nasal sprays and supplements to boost the immune system. It has been seen that people who suffering from chronic sinusitis get good relief from natural remedies. Acupressure is also another natural remedy that helps relieve the sinus pressure and pain and it does not have any side effects.
Now days many natural therapies like food therapy, hydrotherapy, juice therapy, reflexology, vitamin and mineral therapy and Yoga put to use cure sinus.
The immune system gets weakened due to prolonged infection. In order to boost the immune system herbal medications like echinacea and golden seal are really helpful. Garlic and eyebright are also very helpful in fighting inflammation. Lozenges made from zinc taken at the onset of cold have proved to really helpful to many people.
Colloidal silver is another remedy really helpful to cure sinus. Silver can be used as a nasal rinse as it provides relief to many people who suffer with chronic sinusitis or it can be taken orally to improve the immune system. New medication in the form of oxygen supplement is becoming very popular. The supplement increases the cellular oxygenation which stalls the infection.
Vaporizers and humidifiers are generally used to ease stuffiness and to help relieve inflamed sinuses. A cool mist vaporizer can be really helpful in providing moisture to the sinuses and encourage healing.
Have you given your life completely to sinus infection ; thinking there is no way out? Get your Sinus Treatments and Sinus Remedies.
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