What is Sinus Pause? - Why Should Sinus Pause Need Immediate Medical Attention
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Pause means break, so what is sinus pause. It is a break in the regular sinus rhythm which lasts longer than the exact multiple period of the sinus cycle. It is related to the sinus node and the atrioventricular node. They are responsible for conducting signals which is used to detect the pacemaker. Sick sinus is the most lethal of sinus infections. It is an abnormal state of increase in heart rate which leads to seizure and leads to death. It is found in older people.
It is an interruption in the heart beat. The symptoms are vigorous, alternative, fast or slow heart beats or a long gap between two beats. This small pause is called sinus pause. This may lead to dizziness or lightheadedness.
What is sinus pause crisis? Actually speaking they do not cause any hazard, but if the pause is too long and the beats highly erratic then you have a crisis on hand. This could even lead to a heart attack or other cardiovascular snags.
A check on what is sinus pause. If you have a doubt that it could be a symptom of sinus pause, you should immediately consult a doctor and check your ECG (Electrocardiogram) which could detect the hiatus. The physician then studies the ECG curves and tells you if you have a sinus pause or not. If it is a case of sinus pause, medication should be given and you could see the difference.
What is Sinus pause and what is sinus block
Both have a slight variation of the rhythm which may lead to asystole meaning an absence of electrical activity.
Treatments depend on the patient's heart status. Good medication, temporary or a permanent pacemaker is suggested for this complication.
If you ask a layman about what is sinus pause, they may tell you it is gap occurred between two consecutive sinuses. This misunderstanding occurs due to the similarity in the name.
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