What is a Sinus Pause?
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What is a sinus pause? This is nothing related to sinusitis. This is something related to heart and the nodes called sinus nodes and AV nodes. Both of them are responsible for transforming signals which are helpful to detect the pacemaker and beat hearts. If this is sounding too complex lets understand the term simply but before that you will have to learn what is bradycardia? Sick sinus or sinus bradycardia happens to be one of the most fatal forms of sinus infections. Sinus bradycardia is what is defined as the state of abnormal increase in heart-beats resulting in convulsions and the likely consequence is death of the patient. Normally, it is found in patients aged only 50 and above.
During this sick sinus the heartbeats get disrupted. Some common symptoms of sick sinus are rapid heart beat, alternate heartbeat, too fast or too slow heartbeats, or there can be long pause between the heartbeats. This pause is popularly called sinus pause. SO the first part of your question, 'what is sins pause?' is clear. Then again there are some other questions which would be coming now along with what is sinus pause- do sinus pause harm our health, is there any risk associated with sinus pause. Normally there is no risk associated with sinus pause but if the pause of the heart is too long and the beats are very irregular definitely there is risk associated with it. You can be a victim of cardiac arrest or other cardiovascular complications.
So now you have known about what is sinus pause, it time to check if there is any such kind of symptom in your heartbeats. If you feel there is go to a cardiologist and get your ECG done which can detect if there is sinus pause in your heartbeats of not. The doctor would take your ECG and would check the curves. They are expert to know what symptoms persist when there is sinus pause. If there persist any pause they would prefer you medications which would treat you soon.
Many people when asked what is sinus pause think that the sinusitis takes a break in the middle or irregular appearance of infections of your sinuses. This is quite funny but this happens. And you will find people thinking like that and all the confusion arises due to its name.
You can treat your Sinusitis Infection like I did. But first don't use these treatments at all; they will just increase your Sinus Pain, rather than giving you relief.
Labels: chronic-sinusitis-infections, cure-sinusitis-pain, get-rid-of-sinusitis-infection, natural-cures-for-sinusitis, signs-symptoms-cancer, signs-symptoms-inner-ear-infection, sinusitis-headache-relief