Sinus Treatment

Friday, December 25, 2009

What is Sick Sinus Syndrome? - Get to Know Sick Sinus Syndrome

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You must be wondering what is sick sinus syndrome. It is the sinus node malfunctioning, ultimately slowing down your heat beat (bradycardia) or in other words the pacemaker does not perform its work properly. The pumping becomes meager thereby weakening the circulation. The sinusitis node is otherwise called the natural pacemaker. It results in irregular heart beats termed as arrhythmias.

What is Sick Sinus Syndrome warning sign?

The warning sign could be anywhere between dizziness, unconsciousness, confusion and heart malfunctioning due to problem with the sinus node. If you are scared that you have got one, you should know what sick sinus syndrome is. It makes your heart beat faster or slower than the regular beat. At times there is an uncommon gap between the two beats. Even medicines could start one this syndrome. It is usually associated with old age. Old people are more prone to the disease than young ones.

Syncope, pre-syncope, palpitations and dizziness is commonly associated with this syndrome. Even stokes are common called "Adams attacks". You could experience chest pains as the blood supply is reduced. The patient gets exhausted soon because of low energy level due to shortness of breath. Headaches are usually associated due to shortage of blood flow to the head. There are numerous signs like sinus arrest, irregular patterns of bradycardia and tachycardia and senatorial blocks. It is at times very difficult to pin point the problem due to indefinable findings and vague indicator on electrocardiogram or Holter monitor.

So, what is Sick Sinus Syndrome treatment? It could be diagnosed by electrocardiogram (ECG). It can be treated by a drug called calcium antagonists. A person affected by this syndrome can go for pacemaker therapy. A permanent pacemaker placement is also recommended in this case. The foundation of the treatment is atrial or dual-chamber pacemaker replacement, which gives you relief from heart attacks, thromboembolic events and mortality in contrast with ventricular pacemakers.

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What is Paranasal Sinus Disease? - An Awareness Program on What is Paranasal Sinus Disease

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To learn more on what is paranasal sinus disease we should know what is paranasal sinus? These sinuses are air cavities located within the facial bone. They have mucous membrane lining similar to those in parts of airways. They are known as paranasal sinus cavity, since they are directly connected to the nasal passage. The weight of the skull is reduced due to these cavities. They produce mucous and vibrate our voice. They comprise of the - Ethmoid Sinus, Frontal Sinus, Maxillary sinus and Sphenoid sinus. The ethmoid sinus lies between the nose and the eyes. The Sphenoid lies at the base of the skill above the pituitary gland. The maxillary is the largest and is positioned below the eye, in the cheek bone.

Let us now see what is this disease. It is basically the inflammation of the lining of the sinus cavities. They are caused due to allergens like dust, mites, pollen etc or it may be a viral or a bacterial infection. If the mucous stop draining it results in paranasal sinus disease. Sinus filled with air is said to be in a healthy condition. Mucous filled sinus is infected.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are fever, headache, swelling, dental pain, jaw pain and facial pain. The discharge is at times accompanied by pus or blood and it could be greenish yellow in color.

After learning about what are paranasal sinus disease symptoms we should also see how to get rid of it. Decongestants and humidifiers help in a great deal to reduce nasal block. Saline water irrigator also is seen to be in use. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are immediate relief. The best cure would be to identify the allergen and eradicate it. A consultation with a medical practitioner is advisable because in extreme cases it may lead to surgery.

It should also be borne in mind what is paranasal sinus disease and how to eliminate it. The best way would be by means of understanding the disease better. Allergens like dust could be removed by regular cleaning of your rooms. See to that you bedspreads and the place you sleep is free from dust. This could reduce half your problem. Have a healthy and nutrient rich food with adequate rest.

We are providing natural treatment for sinus to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus infection then use these sinus treatment.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is Normal Sinus Rhythm? - Normal Sinus Rhythm in a Nutshell

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Meaning of what is normal sinus rhythm

An electrical impulse is generated by the sinus node, it moves through the right and left atrial muscles fabricating an electrical charge which could be seen in an electrocardiogram (ECG) by the p-wave. They continue their movement through specialized tissues known as atrioventricular node which carries electricity at a slower pace. There is a small pause (PR interval) which helps in the blood to be emptied into the ventricles from the atria, before the ventricle contracts to push the blood out into the body. This could be seen in the ECG as QRS complex of waves. The T-waves denotes the electrical changes in the ventricles while they are relaxing or resetting of the heart for the subsequent beat. This cycle repeats once again after a short gap.

In simple terms what is normal sinus rhythm. "It is an electrical pattern of the heart beat".

Normal sinus rhythms are found mostly in healthy heart. Heart runs on electrical impulses that stimulates it chambers (atria and ventricles) to contract and expand. With each heart beat the blood is pumped through out the body. Normal heart beat is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. There is no fixed heart rate; it may vary from a child to adult. A new born child's heart rate is 150 beats per minute, whereas a five year old has 100 beats per minute. In an adult it is 80 beats per minute. The S-A node or sinoatrial node is where the electrical impulse begins. This is otherwise known as the natural pacemaker of the heart. What is normal sinus rhythm detection methodology? This can be detected through ECG (Electrocardiogram). In a normal sinus rhythm the peaks are evenly placed.

What is normal sinus rhythm classification?

A normal heart rhythm with a fast heart rate is called sinus tachycardia. The impulses are normal bit the pace is faster. This is the case when you exercise or when you are excited.

A normal hearth rhythm with a slow heart rate is called sinus bradycardia. It is seen during medications such as beta blockers.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is Maxillary Sinus? - More on Maxillary Sinus

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You must be wondering what is maxillary sinus? The answer to your query is, it is a cavity in the head. The cranium consists of four main sinus cavities. They are frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary. The maxillary sinus is other wise known as Antrum of Highmore; it is the largest paranasal sinuses and is pyramidal in shape. It is established in the body of the maxilla, the sinus has three recesses, and they are alveolar recess, zygomatic recess and infraorbital recess. The middle wall comprises of cartilage. Sinuses sizes vary in different skull and even on the two sides of the same skull.

If the maxillary cavity gets inflamed it is called maxillary sinus disease. You could see them located below the eye on the either side of the nose. The mucous inflammation is a result of infection or allergy. Now we shall see what is maxillary sinus infection symptom is and cure.

What is maxillary sinus symptom?

The maxillary sinus infection causes severe pain and tenderness in the cheeks. The facial muscle tends to swell. Dental pain especially in the upper teeth is seen. There is pain when you bend you head forward.

It is advised that you take care of your oral heath. You should brush your teeth twice once in the morning and once before going to bed. Usage of mouth rinses is very helpful. Menthol based mouth freshener help or a natural way of mint leave can keep you away from bad odors. Jaw pain should not be confused with regular dental pain. You could distinguish a regular tooth ache with maxillary sinus symptoms, as they are normally associates with fever, nasal discharge, headache and tiredness.

What is maxillary sinus infection cure?

Anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants are used to cure sinus. Saline water syringes are used to remove the mucous. A warm pack on affected parts of the face could also give remedial effects.

Would you like to know how I treated my sinus infection in 4 days without any drugs? If yes then visit sinus relief.

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What is Good For Sinus? - A Sketch on What is Good For Sinus

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Before we could go to what is good for sinus let us learn about sinus. It is a cavity in the cranium that acts as a bridge between the nostrils. Inflammation takes place due to blockage of air. It is also called sinusitis. They are divided into two acute and chronic sinus infections. The common indications are cold, congestion, facial pressure, nasal block to name a few. Medicines and antibiotics are available and though they give temporary relief only therapy gives you a permanent cure.

Sinus infections are very painful and almost paralyze our daily routine, resulting in lack of productivity. It causes dullness and gloom. So a person who acquires this looks for what is good for sinus. The answer lies in an everlasting treatment for your aliments. The reason for getting infected by sinus may be of bacterial, fungal or viral. Locate the allergen and go for a cure.

Let us go to a detailed study of what is good for sinus. Hydro Pulse Nasal irrigation is used to clear nasal cavity. The cilia movement is speedier and circulation is increased. It drains the mucous and cleanses the tongue, nose and throat. It could be used on children also.

To get immediate relief add few drops of eucalyptus in hot water and inhale. It not only unclogs the nose but also acts as a preventing agent from further attacks.

Acupuncture is also in vogue. This is used for people who suffer from severe headaches. It is also advised you consult a medical doctor for immediate relief. Apart from this touch therapy of Acupressure is also effective method of treatment. Specific locations of pain are massaged using your fingers. Anti-fungal therapy is also cures chronic cases. Herbal products are common usage these days.

We are providing natural treatment for sinus to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus infection then use these sinus treatment.

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What is Ethmoid Sinus? - Getting to Know Ethmoid Sinus Better

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The ethmoid sinus, is one of the paranasal (hollow space in the bones around the nose) sinuses, it is collectively called ethmoidal air cells. It is an air-space enclosed between the spongy ethmoid bone in the upper part of the nose between the eyes. The air cells are innervated by anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves. It comprises of a number of thin-walled cavities located in the ethmoidal labyrinth. They form the mucus which keeps the nose from drying.

Anatomy of what is ethmoid sinus

The ethmoidal sinus is divided into anterior, middle and posterior. The anterior drains into the middle meatus of the nose through infundibulum, the middle drains into the middle meatus of the nose above the bulla ethmoidalis and the posterior drains into the superior meatus under the superior nasal concha and opens into the sphenoidal sinus.

The ethmoidal air cells are innervated by the anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves, and the orbital branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion.

Problem caused due ethmoid sinus

What is ethmoid sinus inflammation? It is the mucus lining of the sinus. Patients suffering from ethmoid sinusitis usually have a light malaise, nasal discharge. They also develop low fever and headache. Pain in the eye area and brow is very common.

A thorough physical examination of the patient is required. In laboratory condition assessment of WBC should be monitored. Nasal endoscopic examination is conducted to diagnose the disease. The nasal mucus, polyps, tumors and other foreign bodies can be searched thoroughly.

Diagnostic procedures of what is ethmoid sinus?

Medical therapy and surgery are the only means to cure ethmoidal sinusitis. Treatment can diminish the inflammation and edema of the mucosa, reduce pain and fight the infection. If the therapy do not heed surgery is needed. There are three approaches to it, external ethmoidectomy, intranasal and transantral ethmoidectomy. It is up to the surgeon and the advancement of disease which decides the treatment. Even a combination of two ethmoidectomy could be used on discretion of the surgeon. Regular check-ups after surgery are very essential to monitor the condition of the sinusitis. The success rate for ethmoidectomy is ranged between 46-98%. These are some what is ethmoid sinus therapy methods.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

What is Coronary Sinus? - A Profile on Coronary Sinus

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What is coronary sinus? Is it similar to having a sinus infection? These are some of the queries which run across your mind. Only a biologist, pharmacist or doctor could give you the right answer. It is normally not accompanied by headache, pain in the eyebrow, dental pain or congestion as in the normal sinus cases, so do not get confused.

So, what is coronary sinus? It is collection of vein put together to form a large vessel to collect blood from myocardium of the heart; it is found in both human beings and animals. It collects drained blood from the heart muscles. Fresh blood is supplied by the coronary arteries to the heart. Coronary sinus is seen placed very clearly from the back of the human heart. It is located between the left atrium and ventricle. Other sinus in the heart is pericardial sinus they are: transverse pericardial sinus and oblique pericardial sinus.

What is Coronary Sinus Atrial Septal Defect (ADS)?

Coronary sinus ASD is a fault which is positioned in the part of the atrial septum which comprises of the coronary sinus orifice.

They are not related to other non-cardiac syndrome or organ-system anomalies, so what is coronary sinus ADS. It is associated with congenital cardiac defects and is detected during childhood stage. The symptoms widen during the twenties but still for others it may remain silent for several years. In some cases, the heart beat may be associated with cardiac irregularities like Atrial Situs abnormalities. Generally arrhythmias seldom occur during childhood.

Respiratory infections or reactive airway disease are frequent in few patients.

It is not traced to inheritance, though it is traced to X-linked inheritance patterns. It is highest for siblings followed by mothers than fathers. No particular genetic syndromes are found.

It is also seen that females are more prone to the disease than male; the female to male ratio is 2:1.

On the whole Coronary sinus defects are due to the superior vena cava draining into the coronary sinus.

We are providing natural treatment for sinus to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus infection then use these sinus treatment.

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What is Cavernous Sinus? - Know More About Cavernous Sinus

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Let us first learn where it is located to know more about what is cavernous sinus. The cavernous sinus is called the lateral sellar compartment and it is located inside the human head. The cavity is made up of a set of veins within a thin wall. It is seen on one side of the temporal bone and sphenoid bone of the skull.

So what is cavernous sinus cavity? It is similar to other sinus by being placed in the cavity of the cranium. It is combination of trochlear nerve, maxillary nerve, oculomotor nerve and ophthalmic nerve. On a flat plane it is comprised of abducens nerve and internal carotid artery and sympathetic plexus. All these give it a very complicated structure and character. Finally it can be concluded as a hollow of a skull holding a number of nerves.

The pituitary gland lies in between the cavernous sinus pair. The cavernous sinus compresses if there is a growth in the pituitary gland ultimately leading to tumors and opthalmpplegia (loss of ophthalmic sense) and maxillary nerve compression leads to maxillary sensory loss.

What is Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis?

Cavernous sinus thrombosis seldom occurs now days. Ten percent of people may be affected by blindness in this case. Corneal ulceration is caused due to lid closure. Due to contact of the cavernous sinus with other venous channels, an infection may occur. It has to be diagnosed clinically and no lab culture is prevalent.

The symptoms found are blindness, ocular and conjunctival congestion, ophthalmoplegia, elevation of ocular pressure and pain. The signs may be one-sided or two-sided; they may be sharp and progress slowly.

What is cavernous sinus tumor?

  • A paralysis of eye muscles is seen with diplopis (two visions of a single image) is very common.
  • A history of cancer is also predicted.
  • The eyeball is seen protruding abnormally.
  • Endocrine and visual defects are also present.
  • A chronic sinusitis or diabetic patients are at high risk of acquiring it.
  • Staphylococcus aureus, is the contributing agent, although streptococci, pneumococci, and fungi may be implicated in rare cases.

How to detect

CT scan is taken to get an idea of bone and calcium. MRI provides features of soft tissues inside the sinus and the surrounding structures. Orbital views are also needed, seeing superior and inferior orbital veins helps in diagnosing the venous pressure. Based on the findings further treatment could be given.

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What is Carotid Sinus? - An Outline of What is Carotid Sinus

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In medical terms on what is carotid sinus? The answer is "A dilated area located at the bifurcations of the carotid arteries and containing numerous baroreceptors that function in the control of blood pressure by mediating changes in the heart rate".

If this terminology on what is carotid sinus confuses you then here it is. The carotid arteries are contained at the level of the neck and they are responsible to distribute blood at the plane of the head. In easy language it is a slight expansion in carotid artery where it is divided into internal and external artery, the former carries blood to the brain and the latter to the face. It contains baroreceptors (pressure sensors) which is sensitive to pressure. These when stimulated causes falling of heart beat and decrease in blood pressure thereby the flow of blood to the brain is reduced. This situation causes loss of muscle tone and it becomes difficult to stand straight and causes you to fall. Due to the restricted flow to the brain, it leads to giddiness, but unlike the usual giddiness, they do not start with nausea, paleness and sweating. They reduce the heart beat and pressure in the arteries. It lasts only for few seconds or minutes.

Carotid sinus is otherwise called tight-collar syndrome. In simple terminology it causes brief unconsciousness due to damaged flow of blood to the brain.

A wrestler with his strangulations squeezes the sinus causing the heart to slow down and cutting your blood pressure, this ultimately results in losing your consciousness. On the other hand compressing the carotid artery below the sinus, results in fall in pressure within the sinus and rise in blood pressure with increase in heart beat.

It is still not a clear method of death where manual stimulated of carotid sinus results in nerve impulse causing cardiac arrest. It is also a possible reason for strangulations and hanging. They are yet to be proved.

What is hypersensitivity?

Extensively manual stimulation changes the blood pressure and heart rates. One should be very careful as it may be an important factor leading to death in case of elderly people and people affected by hypersensitivity. Other frightening consequences are Pulmonary Embolism, Myocardial Infarctions and stroke.

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What is a Sphenoid Sinus? - How to Evaluate a Sphenoid Sinus

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The sphenoidal sinuses are held within the body of the sphenoid, which may differ in size and shape. Due to the lateral displacement of the intervening septum it is asymmetrical. It is a type of paranasal sinus. It lies in the cavity behind the nose. There are two large sphenoid sinuses in the sphenoid bone. They are bordered with cells which secretes the mucus which keeps the nose from drying.

What is a sphenoid sinus infection? The infection in the sphenoid cavity causes sinus headaches; they are present in the area below the eyes and the nose. Fervor in the sphenoid cavity causes headaches and pain in the eye area.

Sphenoid sinusitis is divided into two types chronic and acute. The chronic case is very common. The disease should be diagnosed early to cure it, else it develops rapidly. As the sphenoid sinus is interlinked with vital vascular, neurological and optic structures, the complication could be interconnected. Acute disease is asymptomatic.

Medication for what is a sphenoid sinus. If medication does not prove useful, surgery would respond immediately. Surgical treatment is done by opening the sphenoid sinus, demonstrating drainage and obtaining material for culture. Endoscopy and sphenoidotomy are also done. There are many approaches to it. External ethmoidectomy or transspectal approaches are also among them. The diagnosis is indicated for speedy recovery.

Simple terms on what is a sphenoid sinus. It is also known as forgotten sinus because of the anatomical position of the sinus and the problems in identifying it. When the complications are higher, only then the disease is diagnosed.

Inflammation caused in sphenoid sinus results in sphenoiditis or sphenoid sinusitis. The disease may not occur just because of sphenoid sinus, but may also involve multiple sinuses or parasinusitis.

Today with the modern technology the infection could be waded away easily. The latest in medical science and the research has made it simple to cure the infection. Imaging, antibiotics and surgery have changed the method of medication for acute sphenoid sinusitis.

Have you given your life completely to sinus infection; thinking there is no way out? Get your Sinus Treatments and Sinus Remedies.

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What is a Sinus Tract? - How to Interpret the Sinus Tract Better

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Explanation on what is a sinus tract begins with a bacterial infection. It is basically a skin problem that can destroy the enchantment of your facial skin. The passage is called fistula which an unnatural pathway leading from bones and other body structures to the skin surface. It is a drainage pathway from a deep focus of acute infection through tissue or bone to the opening of the surface. A skin infection could cause this problem. The infection may be stimulated due to synovial joint in rheumatoid arthritis. The other name is fistulous rheumatism.

How could the disease be fatal?

What is a sinus tract infection? The symptoms are hair growth under your skin, it could be anywhere in your body. The neighboring cavities are affected and the tract will begin throw some discharge and swelling and inflammation is seen in this region.

It is not simple to know, what is a sinus tract, unless pictures of the tracts are seen. A medical practitioner could give you an idea of what is sinus tract and how are the complications caused due to this infection and the treatments required.

Sinus tract can be seen on MR imaging. Tiny tracts are difficult to be noticed. A radiologist locates the region of discharge and these sites are examined. To locate small abscesses of sinus tracts T1 weighted images with intravenous gadolinium is needed.

The treatments are available for sinus tracts. But for immediate relief a surgery is required. The infected skin could be peeled by an operation and the subsequent infected tissues also can be got ridden of. According to one's complications, the treatment is given and the surgery varies from patient to patient. The cost of the operation also will vary.

It should be treated properly otherwise it may lead to complications, as it may affect the functioning of your body. It could be disastrous and the outcome could be contrary. The identification on what is sinus tract is significant to pursue the treatment. It is needed to get to know the problem better before plunging into treatment.

We are providing natural treatment for sinus to thousands of people, if you would like to kick your sinus tract then use these sinus treatment.

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